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Trench Mesh


Trench Reinforcing Mesh from Tonkin Steel is commonly used in residential, industrial and commercial footing trenches. This product conforms to AS/NZS 4671 – Steel for the reinforcement of concrete.

Product Code Standard Unit Longitudinal Wires* Mass (kg) Dimensions (m)
L8TM200 Sheet 3 x 7.6 @ 100 6.8 6 x 0.2
L8TM300 Sheet 4 x 7.6 @ 100 9.2 6 x 0.3
L8TM400 Sheet 5 x 7.6 @ 100 11.6 6 x 0.4
L8TM500 Sheet 6 x 7.6 @ 100 13.9 6 x 0.5
L11TM200 Sheet 3 x 10.7 @ 100 13.3 6 x 0.2
L11TM300 Sheet 4 x 10.7 @ 100 17.7 6 x 0.3
L11TM400 Sheet 5 x 10.7 @ 100 22.3 6 x 0.4
L11TM500 Sheet 6 x 10.7 @ 100 26.8 6 x 0.5
L12TM200 Sheet 3 x 11.9 @ 100 15.8 6 x 0.2
L12TM300 Sheet 4 x 11.9 @ 100 21.2 6 x 0.3
L12TM400 Sheet 5 x 11.9 @ 100 26.5 6 x 0.4
L12TM500 Sheet 6 x 11.9 @ 100 31.9 6 x 0.5
FTM16200 Sheet 3 x 16 @ 100 30.6 6 x 0.2
FTM16300 Sheet 4 x 16 @ 100 41.1 6 x 0.3

*Number of Wires x Diameter (mm) @ Spacing (mm)